6 reviews liked by VadeRevan

This is actively one of the worst games I have played in my life! Impressively so

Game was good, until it wasnt

Fire Emblem Echoes tells a fantastic story with a great cast of characters (albeit just a few are 1 dimensional) but is weighed down by some frustrating gameplay.

This is evident in the fact that with Alms side of the story you mostly come across plains with lots of soldiers that you tactically navigate around. While on Celica's side...You come across some of the most painful map designs ever, with a prime example being Dead Man Mire which is flooded with swamp tiles that deal 5 hp per turn and are slower to navigate and I ALSO HATE CANTORS. I also do like the inclusion of dungeons overall but there were a lot of aspects that were just exhausting to get through such as Duma Tower and think the game is incredibly grindy.

I genuinely think that the time wheel as an addition to this remake is a huge saving grace because I would not like to feel what it was like to tackle these areas in Gaiden.

But there is more good to say about this title and that is, I love Hidari's art style and want to consume more games with them behind it like the Atelier Dusk trilogy because it just is so charming.

The soundtrack is phenomenal with this title and helps sell the scenarios that you are undergoing throughout the game, really allowing you to take in each environment that has a special track to go with it.

Overall: I enjoyed how this title came together, with its excellent voice acting, its art style, and the way it sounds. The title delivers those aspects. It's if you want to go into this title expect some real garbage maps because it will force you to go through pain.

i've never seen such a bag of shit lit on fire at my doorstep get as much attention and hype as this and that's saying something

This is the worst game I've ever played.