Slightly better missions than the heist DLC, but still really underwhelming aside from the map expansion.
Like before, it's just a solid map expansion that unfortunately only sees use with DLC missions and some activities/collectibles like the last.

Shame the game might end this way. The base game is still a personal 5/5, but they really screwed up on every single DLC.

Missions weren't all that great, but at least the new part of the map was amazing. Sucks that it only really got used for this.

It's just the Murder Circus mission from the base game but now you get to do it over and over. Unlocking weapons and perks as you go. Also there's 4 characters to play as and all of them can go up to level 9.

I mean maybe it's fun if you really liked that one mission, but this felt really unnecessary. Like I got one character to level 4, got tired of doing the same shit over and over, and gave up.

I'm fine with this ruining me getting every achievement tbh. If it sucks, it sucks. Just a shame the first DLC story and this one weren't great given how much I loved the base game.

I'd have to play it again to really know (and I don't want to), but this was my first N64 game.
I played this at a friend's house when I was like 8 and even then I wasn't sure how he found the N64 amazing since this was what he had to show for it.
This and DK64, which I'm also not too familiar with and I know it's better than this. But dude could've gave me any other game for a better first impression.

If there's any game soundtrack I'd tell people to listen to, it's this one.
Like let's look past how amazing this game is and how horrible I am at certain puzzles so I have to use a walkthrough every time I play through it. Like I've beaten this maybe 4-5 times since I got it in 2015. It doesn't bother me that I need that aid. This is probably my favorite environment + music combo in a game. I want to explore this in a first person (or maybe even VR) setting so bad.

anyways check out the soundtrack its really good and josef is a funny little robit guy i like him,

feel like shit just want her back

The rawest example of "Oh shit I loved this game as a kid, let me pick it up again" to "I'm in so much pain holy shit"

I can see how this would appeal to some people, but I don't think rally just means "take the base game offroad races, add way too many switchbacks to each race, and make it a 1 person race with co-driver callouts to sell the point even further.". Like it just felt very lazy to me. Even on top of that, 100% requires you to do every race Twice. By the time you've 100%'d it, it kinda just feels like they reshaped the main map into something much smaller and was like "look its rally go have fun".

Idk maybe it's just that FH5 itself was already the most disappointing Horizon game to me so far, but this especially was just boring.

Got to play this with the devs once and it ended up just being a learning experience of how maps work. As we tore maps apart. Because that's what this is. Tearing maps apart. It's way more fun than it should be lmao

Really racist and edgy chat from the few servers I've been on, but pretty fun if you ignore all that.
Especially gun game. Like most game modes aren't great imo, but gun game works really well here given it has so many unique weapons and all.

I know you can do it in any Valve game and a lot of other FPS's, but there's something special about looking at someone, both stopping dead in your tracks and staring at each other for like 5 seconds, then violently shaking the mouse up and down then moving on

I remember in like either 2001 or 2002 my dentist had an N64 kiosk with this and some kid told me to pick Toad because he was the best. I was like 4-5 then and never heard of this game or Toad so I believed him and I still sucked ass at it.

It never hit me until I was like 20 he said that because of Toad's line and I want to find this man and talk to him

This is ok. Like it uses the THPS3-4 engine so
I mean it's just feels weird saying it's actually kinda ok.
Also this game made introduced me to Reel Big Fish and I kinda hate it for that.

This was on every computer in middle school for some reason. Not on the ones in high school tho. It's weird just how much I can remember it from like 08-10 tho. Like it's not good, but it's not bad either. Can be really fun to pass time with if you have nothing better to do from what I remember.

I wish I could rate this twice so I could rate both the Genesis and SNES versions since they're a bit different.
Like I'd give the Genesis version a 1.5 and the SNES version a 1.

Genesis version : I honestly don't hate it, it just doesn't hold much. It's fun to show a friend to laugh at or play through every few years maybe. Has more fights than the SNES version and offers a bit more of a challenge.

SNES version : It just has less. Like less in general.