59 Reviews liked by Valkyro

Sam Lake decided to try acid ONCE and play the entire Remedy Games franchise again and now we have to suffer the consequences

Guess I'm a 50 yr old dad with 15 kids. This shit was peak

It's fine. Needs work and some original thought tho

Do you remember Brink? Ubisoft remembers Brink and they made a whole Call of Duty about it.

People will literally pray to the gods for glorious battle than get therapy

Here is a list of every single joke review I considered making:
Shellden Ring
Dark Shoals
Lies of Sea
Black Myth Dugong
Shellkiro: Shallows Rise Twice
Coral Shell

I couldn't pick one.

Anyway, weird how the funny-ass crab game is the best soulslike ever made that wasn't made by fromsoft. A fun art direction, a surprisingly good story, a really cool shell mechanic, and some very strong boss encounters. It's certainly lacking polish in a few areas and the music is occasionally quite bad, but I had a really REALLY good time with this game!

A great piece of content to add to an already legendary game

It's fine if you consider it an action platformer instead of a metroidvania. Bosses are really fun.

When I want to wear the blue mask but my bitch wife wants me to wear the orange mask

Clive punched a baby, that’s my man yall

It’s a good thing that Cs get degrees because that’s all I was getting at this academy.

i beat the fuck outta that baby