Over four months of on and off playing, Steam says I finished the game with 144 hours clocked in and I'm finally finished with Baldur's Gate 3. Even though I don't agree with the popular conscious this is going to be a gateway into the next revolutionary RPG (Player choice and a game with vocal range and performances for nearly every bit of dialogue you encounter is not innovative.) one thing I can say with confidence is this is probably the independent game with the biggest budget I've seen in recent time perhaps even ever. You'd find it hard to believe a RPG with the much scope and ambition was originally crowdfunded. They did exactly what they promised to deliver on. This is 5e Dungeons and Dragons for people who don't have the time or friends to actually sink into tabletop sessions. Even though I don't really like how character classes function in this version compared to 1 and 2.5e (Warlocks especially. I loathe whenever I have to use Wyll for combat encounters) Larian did try their best to make it viable. Maybe it's because I was able to make the Custom Origin character I wanted to build around when I started but despite my issues like with how slow and excessive the downtime is between turns is, I was still able to enjoy slowing working my way towards a decent kit by the end of Act 1 to a building fairly powerful characters but the time I was two-thirds into Act 3.

Speaking of Act 3, I can't help but feel like this was kind of unfinished. The fact one of this game's recent patches added in epilogues only reinforces my point further. For how overwhelming the amount of side content and expositions are laid upon you which lead to my burnout around October, a lot of them really just end up being kill quests or companion questlines that just end abruptly until it's time for the final dungeon. I want to say I'm underwhelmed but the ending I got felt so bittersweet I honestly couldn't help but grin by the time the end credits rolled.

Albeit this is still one of the better games I played this year. Dark Urge replay when definitive edition drops next year will save me. My ass is not touching the Original Sin duology for at least 2 years minimum. I don't know how many 80+ hour RPGs I have left in me and I haven't even gotten around to finishing Starfield yet.

Also, I just beat this game on December 24th so I pretty much altered the fate of the world right before Christmas :) Happy Holidays everyone!

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
