78 reviews liked by Valzentia

Mark my words. One day the infamy this game has created will cause a sequel to be greenlit.

Best COD game, life at the time was at its peak

So called free thinkers when nuketown comes up in the map vote

Absolutely incredible experience with a group of friends. The Christian pop punk and butt rock soundtrack is one of the funniest things in existence. At one point I failed a minigame and the overly enthusiastic announcer declared that God's grace had left me. Video games are art

Rate it 5 stars for free access to heaven

remembered recently that i played this game when i was like 4
i remember you play as a polar bear cub and have to follow your mother polar bear around
and i remember me and my brother would always wander off and explore the map, and when we'd try to get back to momma bear we'd always find a giant dead polar bear
i think that freaked us out so we stopped playing lol

This is my favorite Call of Duty. I love it so much. The campaign, while not my favorite, is great and pretty innovative for Call of Duty. A branching story with different endings is a big leap for the franchise, one that unfortunately didn't stick around very long. The multiplayer is my favorite here. I have so many memories on this game, its where I met one of my longest running friends, and a game that took hours of my life. The zombies feature some iconic maps and the best gameplay to date at the time.

this game is everything right with the cod franchise, fast paced fun gameplay, great maps great guns great everything. never owned it though, downloaded it through a friend's account back then just so we could play the multi so no campaign and especially no zombies as it is something that never attracted us back then.

Fantastic sequel to BLOPS, I remember when playstation network was hacked by Anonymous and then finally getting to play this again with the bois