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The Wii was my first console, so I didn't grow up with the classics, the Megamans and Castlevanias that in part inspired Shovel Knight. Though Shovel Knight does lovingly capture the nostalgic feel of those classics, I didn't need nostalgia in order to love this game.

While there are a great many indie games that take advantage of pixel art (often for its low cost and approachability, understandably), few are so dedicated to replicating how things used to look. As an example, the color pallette was mostly limited to that of the NES. It's a limitation that required developers to get creative with what they had, and it's that creativity that makes SK feel both authentically "retro" and gorgeous in its own right. Every character design is impeccable and memorable, each with a distinct silhouette, color scheme, and gimmick, not unlike the iconic "mascot" characters of old. Visually, the levels feel like extensions of the characters, sharing their color palettes and feeling distinct. Shovel Knight himself has limited movement and a short attack range, his signature mechanic being to "shovel bounce" on enemies and obstacles. The game is challenging. You'll die a lot, perhaps more than you might expect due to the risky checkpoint and moneybag-retrieval mechanics. And still, I consider it to have some of, if not THE best level design of any platformer. Every stage is a new theme with new obstacles that are paced and iterated on near-flawlessly. That's not to say you won't get stuck on or frustrated by some difficult sections, but it's always fair and so satisfying to overcome. The plot takes full advantage of what little time it has, focused much more on personality, emotion, and charm, rather than lore or exposition. The presentation takes a simple "save the princess" story and makes it feel engaging and personal. I have little to no affinity for retro game music, as I often find the repetition and sharpness of the sounds irksome. That said, the soundtrack is nothing short of masterful. Every single tune was endlessly catchy and elevated every level or event.

Though built on the backs of the classics, to me, Shovel Knight IS the classic. One of the greatest games ever made, bringing the best of the past and the present together to make something truly timeless and utterly memorable. For shovelry!