For Final Fantasy X Only

It happens to be one of my all time favorite games to come out. Mostly because of two things; The characters and the gameplay. The characters also branches out to the plot as well, it is one of the best told stories to be told in an RPG game, let alone any game. But you have a rounded out group that are all memorable and likable in one way or another.
The gameplay does away with the battle system from the SNES and PSX era, with a more tradition turn based system. The difference is that you can see who goes next in the next few turns and it can change depending on what attack or skill that you use. Also you can change your party members on the fly in the middle of the fight, making for more versatile.
They also did away with the normal level-up system with a crazy grid! Once you level up you can make around on this huge board and choose what stat boosters and skill you can to unlock for each character, and with careful planning, you can make an OP Tidus or Yuna by the time you are ready to take on some of the more challenging bosses.
Speaking of bosses, this game has some hard or nails fights once you get into the latter half of the game, they really test out your knowledge of what you are able to do in the game in a satisfying and frustrating way. It may be frustrating because on the one major hiccup this game has, unskippable cutscenes. It can make or break you're playthrough if yo might be stuck on a certain fight.
The other hit or miss portion of the game are the side quests. Some of them are fun to do as you are nicely rewarded with awesome end game weapons that can obliterate the baddest of the bad, but some of these quest can potentially take you weeks just to get that one McGuffin and get that one weapon, do them at your own risk!
Regardless of the blemishes this game may have, it is still one of the best of the best that needs everybody attention and needs to be appreciated!

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
