This was one of those games that always kicked me in the ass, even now. Hard as hell, yet somewhat addicting to play once you get into it, but alot of things about this game really grind my gears.
I like the game but man, I think this was created by Hades himself.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024


24 days ago

I'm surprised that you're even able to get through this game. No matter how hard I play the game even on the easy mode of the 3DS 3D port, I still can't get passed the underworld. Considering that this is the same engine as the NES Metroid, Its almost expected to be the same difficulty as such.

24 days ago

@DragonMals when you're a kid with limited games but a ton of time, rest assured if there's a will then there's a way.

Could I beat it now as a full grown adult? Maybe with a rewind feature sure! lol

24 days ago

@Vash4e there's always Mesen my friend. Mesen is such a versatile tool for me to use when playing NES games.