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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 11, 2022

Platforms Played


I keep forgetting about writing something here, and I really ought to because I've been slacking on these. (Sorry Detchibe!!!)

It's a fun novelty to be able to play games based on nothing but audio, but I feel like there isn't enough actually there for me to get gripped by it. It kinda feels like a sub-game from Warioware or something. Maybe I'm just an asshole who doesn't appreciate what they still have despite my vision being literally so bad I need annual checkups, but part of me also feels like I'd be more pissed if I lost my hearing. I dunno what I'd do for myself anymore if I couldn't listen to my favorite music anymore. Woe is me if I cannot listen to the Dynasty Warriors 4 soundtrack.....just like how I can barely hear some of the cues in this game....fuck you Slalom.

Anywho, neat, but maybe if you attached a YM2612 to it I'd find myself more intrigued by it. Hopefully people aren't too sore about me scoring this the same as Krusty's Fun House.