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September 3, 2022

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You know I'm still convinced that a bunch of martian molerats of some sort did the entire game design behind Dark Castle, it's the only thing I could think of to explain why the game has the horrifically clumsy control scheme that it has.

Like, gee we've got all of these enemies running around, and bats flying all over the place that can one-shot the player. How about aiming our arm very slowly like a clock to throw rocks at them to defend ourselves? Which also have ammo by the way. I had one instance where I made it to a screen with this broom that just splits into more brooms if you hit them with a rock, and I couldn't jump over them. I only had ten rocks for some reason, so I ran out. This ammo carried over to my other lives with me beginning at zero, and I had no idea how to progress since there didn't seem to be any other path. God tier, better than Super Mario World tbfh.

I could hate this game a lot more, but I just can't because it's absolutely hilarious. Having Great Value Shaggy running around falling over roadside curbs, and getting the shit kicked out of him by everything in sight never fails to lighten the mood. It probably helps that I never liked Scooby-Doo much. In the meantime Toccata and Fugue in D minor is spammed all throughout the game, while these adorable little dudes run around with their arms out going "NYEH NYEH NYEH NYEH NYEH". I seriously considered putting those guys in my favorite enemies stable, if I had a real attachment to this game I probably would.

It's interesting to note that the Toccata and Fugue in D minor track is 12:46 long when looped once, kinda impressive. It was also apparently made for the game by Johann Sebastian Bach himself according to the file I downloaded. I wonder how he felt about being reanimated just to convert his music to the Genesis for Dark Castle. Probably not feeling great about it, especially since he's dead like the Queen of England.

SNES gamers absolutely fuming that they don't have a true masterpiece like Dark Castle for their system, they are so angry!