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1 day

Last played

April 7, 2022

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Me and my friend rented this game as kids back when he first got his PS2, it's hilarious because I was expecting a fighting game like the first one and instead got some kind of 3D beat'em up war simulation type game. It kinda boggled our minds back then and we absolutely loved this shit despite typically getting our asses beat.

That being said, I'm glad I got DW3 instead for Christmas with my PS2 instead of this game because it's borderline unplayable these days.

I used to think for the longest time that this didn't have a dub, but apparently it actually does. The characters just only talk during the selection screen and whenever they use their musou, otherwise it's all text. So that kinda explains why there isn't memes about this game like for the third one. There's also save pick ups, which is just weird as fuck with them interrupting the action.

The thing that absolutely fucking sucks though is the mechanic where enemy generals get a random power up after getting knocked down. It's fucking idiotic. Imagine fighting Lu Bu and trying to whittle down his gigantic lifebar without knocking him down only for a bodyguard to come in and nail him and suddenly he pulls a full health power up out of nowhere. Absolute fucking nonsense.

Play DW3 instead it's basically the good version of this game, otherwise it's just a curiosity piece.