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September 19, 2022

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Wow, at long last! Freedom Planet 2! I loved the first game! Which I played....

checks steam account

...seven years ago...

Yeah...the hell happened guys? I remember first seeing the announcement trailer back in late 2015, I was pretty damn hype! I subbed to GalaxyTrail's twitter for updates even! A demo was released in 2017, everything seemed like it was going smooth! Then delays happened, it was pushed from 2018 to 2019...then....nothing. Static. Barely if any updates whatsoever, anything their twitter posted was either for Petal Crash (their other game) or retweets of fanart. Seriously, what was going on? Was there a gamebreaking bug? Was the creator going through some shit? Tell us something!

Anyways...I played as Lilac for my first playthrough, because she's the only girl. No offense to the others, I just have a thing for purple dragons apparently. I like her redesign in this game, it helps to separate her even more from being a generic She-Sonic, it's pretty easy to tell that there's some Mega Man X stuff going on there with her color scheme. Something something, growth and maturity yadda yadda. Sorry, I'm doing that thing where I just yack in my reviews again. Lilac is really fun just like she was in the first game, and I really enjoy the new guard/parry button which makes this game remind me of Alien Soldier now. Which isn't a bad thing at all. If you have terrible skills, there's an auto-guard feature that will help you out, and I think it's on by default for easy mode. Speaking of, those who have played FP1 are probably wondering if the second half will get terrifying at all. The answer at least from my perspective? Kinda? I will say the final boss is nothing compared to pre-patch Brevon from the last game, so if you're worried about getting two-shot in five seconds then worry not. Unless you're playing hard mode maybe, I guess. Play on easy if you're still unsure, no one's judging you and fuck'em if they do.

The story mode is okay I feel this time around, but my opinion might not be the most trustworthy, because I actually didn't mind the one in FP1 either. The voice acting is better though for sure, the only character who really annoyed me was Carol during the first half, but she kinda mellowed a bit at least later, and I'm not gonna count Aaa since they're supposed to be annoying. A word of warning though, classic mode is only unlocked after a run is completed so you'll still need to be pausing and hitting the skip button if you get tired of all the talking later. It's been so long that I actually forgot if it was like that in FP1 too. Sean Chiplock has come a long ways.

If I have one big complaint, it's that the game is WAY too long. Holy shit, checking my playtime compared to mine in FP1 it's like roughly double the amount. Granted, I did idle a bunch. There's also a chance that's on me for trying to marathon this game today, there's just been a few times where I was like "oh god please don't tell me the final stage is four stages like in the last one". Ancestral Forge is also an awful slog of a level, I think I logged in like 20 minutes on that stage and I still got a B ranking on it. I'm asking GalaxyTrail to stop doing dumb drawn out puzzle stages and focus on speed and combat, please! I actually got offended when they did a callback to it in one of the final stages.

Compared to the first game, I feel it's climax isn't as cool, but maybe that was because the final boss was a pushover this time around. They really got scared of people complaining about the final fight this time around I guess. I encountered a bunch of odd bugs once in a while too, especially in the second half, but as of this post it feels like they patched the game four times already since release, so it's not like they're unaware of them and nothing that happened to me was gamebreaking or anything sans me glitching past a gate I probably wasn't supposed to. I digress though, WHAT WAS GOING ON THE LAST THREE YEARS!!!!!????

Dragon Noises


Phew...anyway, cool game. Dunno when I'll try Milla or Neera, fuck Carol. Gimme a week of more trashware and I'll probably come back to this once I've cooled off. Also, for the love of god every game release should be legally required to sell or come with a digital download of their damn ost, I beg of ya.