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December 24, 2022

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We often have a clear understanding of what our favorite and most liked video games are, and on the reverse end of the spectrum we also remember the games that we absolutely despised. You know the ones, your personal Spyros and Heavy Novas. Have you ever once asked yourself the important question though? What is the most average game you ever laid eyes on? Maybe it's a licensed game starring your favorite preschool year TV program character named "Bob", or maybe a sportsball game with no fun arcade elements in it? How about a mediocre racing simulator that makes you do driving tests? Regardless of what you might think, it's something worth pondering about, as it is the very element that your entire rating scale revolves around. For I, it is Jersey Devil on the PS1. Every game ever made is secretly compared to Jersey Devil. Is it worse? Is it better? Is it just as painfully average? The unsung center of the gaming universe in my demented mind.

Jersey Devil for me was something that eluded me as a child. I had tons of demo discs, and one of them had his game on it. (Sampler Disc vol. 7 to be exact!) It did not work though! On a full moon while the wolves howl maybe the demo would work if I also uttered some of the lyrics of Metallica's Disposable Heroes, but even then it was only a temporary victory as the next loading screen was a guaranteed unending vision of darkness with no candle to speak of. I would get a glimpse of the Jersey Devil (whom will be referred to as "JD" from now on, as I like that acronym.), but he would escape into the night. Playing his worst trick on me, dealing me a defective demo disc that would not play his own game. Everything else on it? Fair game. JD? Fuck you kid.

"You think you can play my game? Oh ho, foolish foolish child you!" ~ JD as he throws away three batteries and leaves only one for my Game Boy Color

You see that cover art? I always thought of him as a ruthless trickster out to inconvenience everyone he meets, the smarmy grin paints him perfectly as a mischievous miscreant out to break into my house and throw away all of my toilet paper, or place a pie on my seat as I go to sit down for dinner with my lovely date. Never out to kill, only to annoy. Oh you JD! You fiendish fiend you! Next thing you know he'll park his car in front of the bank so I can't get in! Oh! Despair finds me again! The cad JD at it again!

JD can't always get away with this though! As I was able to one day secure a copy of his game! At long last, more 3D platforming for I! Hah! Finally it is mine, another great PS1 platformer to place alongside my all-time favorites like Bugs Bunny Lost in Time or Jumping Flash. Funny that! It turns out the developer Megatoon Studios was in fact the same that would go on to make Bugs' Time Traveling Predicament! My interest peaks even further! JD's game for sure reeks of prototypical elements that would be reused for Bugs' adventure, such as the odd auto-jump as you approach a ledge and even plenty of sound effects would be reused. Big Lost in Time vibes everywhere, hell I swear one of the rooms in the museum area feels like it was copy and pasted into the bank stage from the gangster era in Lost in Time.

With early works however, one could expect some missteps that would be ironed out later. JD's grounded movement is actually pretty decent for the PS1 generation of third dimension platforming, with the oddest element actually being the combat. JD has a mean left hook that he can use to deck enemies in the schnoz, but it stops him for a moment as he goes for his windup and it cannot be done while running. JD despises cardio when unneeded! In the air he can initiate an overpowered spin attack lifted from his cousin the Tasmanian Devil, but despite your ultra-strong spin the combat is still a slog due to enemies often taking multiple hits, and sometimes packing inexplicable i-frames in their animation sequences. JD also possesses the power of gliding, but it feels horrendous due to taking a second to spread his wings and then very gingerly lowering himself. This isn't a Spyro "I can see the world! <333" glide, it's more of a "I don't want to shatter my ankles upon landing" kind of glide, even though there is no fall damage in JD.

Herein lies a problem where JD's game is massively easy. Your overpowered spin attack makes platforming against enemies as trivial as chopping down the most fragile tree in the forest with a massive bucket excavator. Lives are plentiful and constantly given to you in an effort to keep you playing the game, and to ensure your constant attention so JD can assemble his massive collection of KNARF tokens, and release human hostages that he wants to prank later. What's the point in pranking if there's no one to prank? Who pranks the prankster? JD apparently. The only thing that will halt your progress in JD's game are some of the simple platforming over pits, bewilderment over what you can and cannot push, and the camera not cooperating with showing you exactly where it is you need to be while trying to escape a boulder. Oh, I'm not supposed to fight the big dumb caveman guy? I was supposed to run away from him and down the hall I came from? Ooooooooh. Stupid me! Inconvenient!

Despite everything. I still find JD to have impeccable charm, I can't help but fall for the simply ravishing rogue. It's just unfortunate that everything else averages out to be nothing but a perfect balance! A completely okay game! Not something I say is great, not something I say would put mayonnaise on their dinosaur chicken nuggets. Just......average...... the conclusion of the story here, is that I find JD's game to be the most painfully middling thing to have ever been created! If you took JD and placed them on Anubis' scales of judgment, it would go completely balanced, resulting in the jackal-headed god's confusion as to how it perfectly aligned itself. JD himself turns out to be a divine trickster, apparently going as far as to inconvenience the gods themselves.

I have three games as a point of reference for whenever I rate things. Spyro the Dragon, the Grand Vizier of Outrageous Excellence. Heavy Nova, the Most Unskilled Laborer of Horrific Dumpster Fires. Then, there is him. JD, the Calamitous Master of Mortifying Mediocrity! What sets JD apart from the other two, is that I can talk about the others as much as I want. Spyro? Oh, I could talk to you about how much I love Spyro for days. They're a best friend after all! Heavy Nova? I can spout harsh words about them any day of the week without worry, what is that stupid robot gonna do? Trip over their non-existent shoelaces while stumbling into my door? JD though? I cannot speak of them, they are like a force of nature out to dismantle my pots and pans. I fear that talking too loudly will bring them to my house where they then proceed to destroy all of my chairs, and force me sit on the floor. Everywhere I look, I feel like I may have seen JD. I cannot be too careful! My toilet paper is secure....for now. This is why I must only type...and never speak of his name.


Oh no! I heard glass shattering! JD has heard my typing and smack talk about his game somehow! He is in my house! Please JD! No! I'll be good! I'm sorry! No, don't spill coffee on my good pink bed sheets! Agh! He just made off with all of my hams! That was my dinner!

Hm? What does this have to do with the holidays? Ah hah! You've been had! A successful swindle! A confirmed crime! You've been flimflammed reader! It is none other than I! JD! You have wasted precious time gazing upon a review of a Halloween game during December! My, what an inconvenience for you! Enjoy the loss of your most precious resource that can never be taken back, sucker! Next will be your toilet paper! Away I go!