Mash Man 1991

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 2, 2023

Platforms Played



I have to admit, I really commend whoever decided Action 52 deserved separate pages for it's games and giving me a shitload of free one-star ratings to add to my profile with Meong being the only half-star one, because it irrationally pisses me off like the other shit on that side of my rating scale.

However, you know what? Mash Man deserves it's own page, because this shit does nothing but make me laugh my goddamn ass off. I really want to meet the person in the brainstorm session who went, "hey what if we get this bald dude in sunglasses with big fuckin' feet goin' around stomping shit"? You think it's creative bankruptcy, but it's in fact creative masterwork. I want to smash Neil Druckmann's face onto the blunt end of a toilet seat until he realizes the sheer brilliance of this thing that is indeed a video game.

I get to cackle like a toothless crone with the very idea that someone could realize I rated Mash Man higher than the MercurySteam Metroid II remake or Skyrim. This shit fuckin' rules.