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September 2, 2022

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"CRUSH YOU!!" ~ Triceraton

I always had a big soft spot for the Genesis version of Tournament Fighters, it's obvious Konami put the brunt of their workload on the SNES version, and for sure that one is the best of the bunch and loved to the point that it actually has a competitive scene. The NES version is kinda just...there, it's neat but eh? The Genesis version though? Oh boy...

The CPU? Absolute trash. Even on the lowest difficulty setting it will instantly hit you out of many attacks, beat you to the punch on throws constantly and generally be a bad time. It's like Konami looked at the Genesis market and went "fuck, these Genesis people are hardcore, we gotta make the CPU literally unbeatable under any normal gameplay". Even with my knowledge of how the CPU operates, and knowing when it's actually vulnerable it's not what I call "fun". It would actually be nice if I could land a jump-in or win a trade. Instead I have to keep my feet glued to the floor, and constantly wait for them to whiff a DP or sweep them from max range.

It's actually worth note that I played a hacked version of this that makes the bosses playable and selectable from the character select. It's kinda baffling to me that they're unplayable, because they're not that buggy at all and even have 2P colors. Hell, the goddamn Triceraton is even on the cover of this game! Why is he not playable?! I love him! Imagine Blanka Balls that hit twice, can somehow crossup on-block and can hit during recoil. It's fucking dumb.

Despite that though, I can't take advantage of it against the CPU, because they punch me right out of my Blanka Ball 99% of the time. Meaning my strategy was constantly sweeping them from range and throwing them with my bite attack when they became vulnerable. The only character I lost against in two round matches was against the worst one. Karai, the final boss. When playable she is nowhere even close to as broken as her SNES counterpart who can literally one-button infinite you, as a CPU opponent though she is one of the most horseshit final bosses you could ever fight. You have to play against her so carefully, because if you're even remotely close to her, she will throw your ass to the ground. After that? She'll throw you again straight through the floor of her stage, because she's so fast she'll go right up to you as you're recovering and throw you again. If her stage's floor didn't break she could literally chainthrow you to death. Absolutely fucking ludicrous. Konami hates Genesis gamers confirmed.

Aside from the absolutely woeful single player though, the Genesis version does have things over the SNES version for me. I love the stages, they're weird as shit, but they have some kind of artistic alien quality to them. The music here is also a bunch better in my opinion, there's one track in Krang's Stage that feels like it came straight out of Contra Hard Corps. The game itself is also absolutely busted and a blast to play with friends. It's just a shame that the CPU is so miserable to fight.


1. CRUSH YOU!! ~ Triceraton
2. You stink, dirtbag. ~ Ray Fillet
3. Come on baby! ~ April

After Shredder's Revenge being a thing, you know what I'd like? A Tournament Fighters remake. Make it like the SNES version, but also bring in all the Genesis and NES exclusive characters. Make it complete. I wanna play as my boys Triceraton and Ray Fillet in a competitively-viable fighter. For now, I will sit here and wait for the Cowabunga Collection players to stop by and 1-star the game since they can't beat the CPU and there's no online for it. Suck my nuts Digital Eclipse/Konami.

"You are dead, HA HA HA HAAAH!!" ~ Krang