I have a grudge against this game for two big reasons.

Number one, it's fucking garbage and was literally the only Dragon Ball game I could play for the longest time. Because somehow this thing got localized to the NA market long before the series got popular, and OF COURSE my Blockbuster managed to have a copy of the rare original run version of the game.

Number two, it spoiled Super Saiyan forms, Final Form Frieza, Perfect Cell, Kid Buu and Super Baby for us westerners. Seriously, fuck this game.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2021


1 year ago

I bought Ultimate Battle 22 just because I was so deep into the series I was willing to play anything with the Dragon Ball license. By that point, forms and characters were already spoiled thanks to toy releases that were far ahead of the show. I remember seeing Krillin with hair and thinking it had to be a bootleg because Krillin's defining trait is not having hair.
It amazes me how a franchise can have both the hypest and most fondly remembered games imaginable as well as some of the worst pieces of media ever put into disc.

And the fact this shitty game spoiled so much for so many people adds salt to injury. I agree, fuck this game.
GT deserved/deserves a better game to its name! Its got issues but something with this much spirit deserves a rad adventure game or some shit!

1 year ago

GT rules, Super Saiyan 4 kicks ass.

1 year ago


1 year ago

GT got that one GBA game, no idea how good it is, I'm sure it was a fantastic hidden treasure of some sorts.