this was the last game I played before I lost the PlayStation account I had since 2017. Needless to say, I'm pissed to this day, how is this related to rogue company? it's not.

barely played it but when i get back to it I'll most likely come back here with a higher rating

one of the most well-crafted rockstar stories we've seen (up until rdr2 obviously) and an addicting online mode (as long as you're lobotomized)

I mean it's alright, but the multiplayer was absolutely peak, nonstop fun when it comes to the multiplayer. But that era is long over so now I have to be brutally honest when it comes to UC3, The story really peaks in the action areas but the young Drake gameplay parts could be a little more fleshed out, beyond that it's still an uncharted game with (semi) memorable characters and Nathan Drake himself. Good game, amazing memories.

a really quirky game with an even weirder story, Let It Die is an entertaining game for the most part if you enjoy Dark Souls-esque combat and gameplay loop, it is a F2P though so you will see a microtransaction here and there, and they may throw said microtransaction in your face, but besides that it's fairly decent

This game has so much in store for you if you have no idea about the Watch Dogs series. Funny, entertaining, and all-around vibrant and exhilarating game, there's more content than you would think in this 2016 open world hack n' shoot

As a game that defined a chapter in the PlayStation 3's story, this game is as good as people claimed it was way back in 2007, although a little (Extremely) outdated in 2023 if you've played it once, you'll probably pick it up again one day or another

Actually a pretty decent F2p shooter, with various different modes outside of PvP with a myriad of missions to complete with solo queue (at the peril of your brain cells) and private games with your friends to either grind or mess around in, I haven't played this game in a year and a half but in recent memory that's how I believe this game stands

I mean it was alright for BR standards back then, but not very good to think back on in 2023, unfortunate all the same that it got shut down though

Really enjoyable game from start to finish and a pretty good platinum challenge for people who are looking to start a collection, although I hold the first and second infamous titles more closely, Second Son really doesn't fall too far behind

not bad for a team shooter in its earlier days, but now it's bloated to the absolute brim with filler characters and store cosmetics, Once again, it's not a bad game even to this day but it just can't keep my attention anymore

bootleg monster hunter, there's better f2p to sink time into

I personally like Majora's mask because of the world it sets you in and that it continues the journey of the hero of time, The gameplay itself is alright but it could be made better, beyond that this game lives to traditional Zelda standard with the introduction of masks and the playing of the ocarina and various other instruments, the dungeons are mildly challenging, with most interactions concerning the people of Termina requiring googling at one point or another, 100% completion of this game isn't far fetched, but will call for a bit of spare time, overall a good and beloved game in my memory

One of the few games I played on the 3ds a few years back, one of my favorite Zelda games of all time next to Majora's Mask, and by far in my opinion, one of the most addicting Zelda games of its time with so much to unlock and many challenges present after the game's story is complete, this game is a nonstop journey that can be experienced with complete strangers, friends, or family and still be completely fun and refreshing. Any praise this game receives, it deserves