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I played MM in April of 2023 directly after I played Spider-Man 2018, and it has to have been one of my fastest completions. MM did everything that the first game did, better. They got rid of the pesky crime system and replaced it with Ganke's app (a far better substitution) as an example. It took me about one week to get the platinum for this game.

Story: 8/10. The story is your standard hero origin. That being said, it is still a good story with a special personal level attached with both Phin and Uncle Aaron butting heads with Miles in the main story. It sees Miles find his footing as a solo Spider-Man and puts a spotlight on the black community, which couldn't have come at a better time in the world.

Characters: 8.5/10. Every main character is fantastic. Ganke is fun, Rio is a caring mother, Aaron is an overbearing and complex character, and Phin is... ok maybe not every character is fantastic. It seems odd that she had such a vendetta against Miles after she found out he was Spider-Man. I understand some, but she got to the point where she would kill him and acted like he destroyed her life (even though he did no such thing). Also, in regards to the Harlem reactor, she continued to go extremely out of character and not listen to Miles even when he made it very clear that it would destroy all of Harlem. Anyways, that was a tangent. Miles himself is great, and although I don't like this version as much as Into The SpiderVerse's, he is still a unique play on the character. I found myself having a greater connection to Miles than I did with Peter in this story (likely because of how unexperienced he was at the beginning).

Combat: 8.5/10. Miles has his own style with both swinging and combat in this game, and the latter introduces some new tricks to keep things interesting from the first game. Bioelectricity adds a new layer to combat that enhances the fun; invisibility makes stealth easier and more flexible; and the reduced gadget collection is much easier to wrap your head around and use on a whim. Big fan of the combat differences from the first game, and the cinematic finishers are so cool to watch.

Gameplay/Content: 9/10. Ganke's phone app is one of the best ways to incorperate side missions in a game that I've ever seen. I like having the ability to start any side mission from the app even though you still have to travel to their start locations; this lets me not feel forced to start a side mission just because I'm close to where it is, and I don't know when I'll be back. Instead, I can start it whenever I want manually. Also the random events that can also be accessed from here are unique in their own sense and more enjoyable than the first game's selection. There's also the collectables, which have more of a personal touch than the first game's, and of course the Spider-Challenges that added a fun test of skill to the game.

World: 8/10. This is just a reskin of an already existing map from the previous game, so I can't say much more than what I already have in that review. It has a lot of detail and is quite accurate to the real NYC.

Traversal: 10/10. Just like the first game, MM did everything right. It made traversal fun, and I don't think I even utilised fast travel once. On top of this, Miles' tricks were wayyy better than Peters and added another layer of complexity to the swinging. Also, his bioelectricity made you able to swing in the air and maintain a combo for longer, which made you feel like such a badass. I often found myself going to the highest location and trying to get a huge combo. I can't wait for Spider-Man 2 where they expand and enhance this excellent traversal system.

Problems: None.

Favorite Part: The Tinkerer's sacrifice.
Least Favorite Part: The Tinkerer's weird grudge against Miles even though he COULDN'T tell her he was Spider-Man.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
