Games I Hate

NOTE: I'm judging these games based on what they are, not how they came to be or what they could've been. So none of these get a pass for "potential" or whatever.

I think the game's really good, I'm just using it as a symbol for delisting

(Games being delisted is not a game in and of itself but I hate it nonetheless)
Feels like it was designed to be infuriating
Only fun once you gain the ability to use X, which might as well be the second playthrough
Less "hate" and more "I regret wasting my time with this"
At least with this one I can ALMOST understand how people defend it, unlike the one below it
I know this is low-hanging fruit but come on
This is a damn good game but I have a VERY personal hatred towards it
Sonic fans LOVE riding this game's metaphorical dick and it makes for some MISERABLE conversations


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