Great game, builds upon the first and changes the mood making it even more engaging. PC version is kind of bugged though so the rating could be lower depending on your experience.

Favourite game in the roguelike genre, helps that it comes with a banger soundtrack by Chris Christodoulou as well

Decent dlc, however I beat it in 2 hours and on normal difficulty this still doesn't feel like a survival horror (even though they advertised it as such). Although you can maximise your ammo by avoiding encounters, you still have more than enough to kill every enemy in the game.

Most enthralled I've been with a game in years.

Best Sonic game in the past decade.

Excellent music, open zones are fun to explore and combat can be pretty fun. While the voice acting is as good as its been for a while, the same can't be said for some of the animations during cutscenes. The bite sized cyberspace escapades are also a fine enough change of pace from regular gameplay but movement feels more sluggish and much less responsive than in the open zones. And while movement in the open world is fun, the only efficient way to maintain top speed is by constantly being at max ring count or by using unintended mechanics (ie cancelling homing attack with boost for huge distance coverage even in cyberspace or boosting on a rail and immediately jumping off of it to maintain momentum).

That said, this has definitely laid the groundwork for what could potentially be the best sonic game full-stop in a future entry if they polish up and make the next version of cyberspace more unique (as yes all the stages are based on previous Sonic romps) and faster paced, making it so momentum can be conserved (if not everywhere at least in the open world for more creative platforming) and making collectibles less numerous but have more value, as it stands you can currently purchase every single collectible apart from chaos emeralds with the fishing minigame which happens to also be the most efficient way to collect them.