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Project Warlock is a fairly unique Boomer Shooter in that it takes after Wolfenstein 3D more than its successors.

The levels are short and take about 5 minutes to complete, and there are a ton of them: from 2 to 5 per act, 5 acts per episode, 5 episodes in total.

The game is focused on collecting secrets and has light RPG elements where exp gives you the ability to level up your stats, 5 levels give you a unique perk, and special collectibles give you ability to buy new spell or upgrade your arsenal.

The weapons are insanely fun and there are a ton of it, and locations are varied. From The Thing's inspired antarctic levels to modern cityscapes, every episode has unique enemies and details.

The game suffers a bit at the end, with Hell episode being a retread of earlier episodes (but spookier!) and featuring some really tanky enemies. The game is really easy, at least on Normal, and provides enough opportunities to upgrade your ammo cap as well as spells that give you ammo, so by the end I was just running around with what's effectively an infinite rocket launcher. Fun, but gets a little stale after your 10th room of tanky enemies who have three forms.

Despite that, most of the game is incredible: the music is fantastic, the visuals are always a treat, and the length of levels for something inspired by shooters of old is perfect for quick secret hunts and "one more level" type of gaming that doesn't let you go for hours.