This is one of those games that you really have to experience on your own. I'm sure you probably know the big spoiler, but there's so much surrounding it that you probably won't notice on your first playthrough. To me, it reminds me of Silent Hill 2 in the way it constantly wants to tell you its themes and message through something as simple as its environment. The game plays as a standard, yet satisfying squad-based 3rd person shooter, so the game isn't held up by just its story. I had no issues playing the PC version at 120 FPS except for a small issue with the pre-rendered cutscenes. Avoid all spoilers and play this game.

This game makes me want to pull my hair out. The start of the game is actually really fun but falls apart at chapter 3. Even when abusing the rewind function on my emulator, I still could not beat this game. The maps are too big, and filled with beefy archers who do a ton of damage. With only one healer per team at the start, and no other way to heal your units, I spent so long trying over, and over again. Maybe one day I'll come back, but I'm done for now.

Great game, but with so much reused content I couldn't bring myself to beat the game. Play the game twice through, but I wouldn't recommend any more.

An amazing and unique trilogy of games that we will probably never see in gaming again. 1 has my favorite story and antagonist, though I feel like the gameplay can be very awkward at times. 2 might be my favorite but it's plot isn't amazing. While 3 has my favorite combat, it feels like a mess, mostly because they wanted to try and incorporate as many of your previous choices into the game as possible, though it ends up falling short most of the time. It's sad, because with just another year in development, it could've been the best in the series. Overall, get Legendary Edition on your preferred system on sale, though the PC version has unofficial mod support.

Nothing short of amazing; one of the best games I have ever played. I grew up with the Shenmue series, and if you ever played one of those games then stop reading this and buy the game, you'll LOVE it. The story is actually quite simple; if I was to explain it to you, you'd probably be pretty underwhelmed. Yakuza 0's power comes from HOW the story is told. I was constantly on the edge of my seat, and at one point my stomach was hurting from how much I was tensing my muscles (this is a good thing). The story is even better if you've never played a Yakuza game before (since you won't know which characters will live to appear in later games), but I highly recommend playing this game again if you decide to jump down the Yakuza rabbit hole and make it to Yakuza 5. I do have some issues with the pacing of the story in the early-game, and the combat (specifically in regards to how heat works), but only in comparison to other Yakuza games. The PC version has some technical issues, but PC Gaming Wiki is a great resource to use. Yakuza 0 goes on sale pretty often, and is still pretty cheap usually. Play this game, and please also play the rest of the series!

Absolutely amazing. Blends the survival horror of the Resident Evil series with the psychological horror of the Silent Hill series, and manages to tell a story with the most realistic portrayal of mental illness I have ever seen from a piece of media. Cry of Fear is unfortunately plagued with gameplay issues which stems from the fact that the game uses the GoldSrc engine (used for Half-Life 1 which itself branches off from Quake 1). If you're familiar with the engine, then you'll know that this game pushes it to its limit, and it can barely handle it at times. Mileage varies per person, but I had some pretty poor performance despite having a good system. There can be tons of glitches involved with the inventory, enemies, scripted events, etc. As someone who grew up playing GoldSrc games I was able to push through these issues, but let this review serve as a warning. Considering the game is 100% free, is only 4-6 hours with tons of replay value, the game deserves a 100% recommendation. Play the game!