PSA: If you are one of the many people, like I was, who loved Spider-Man ps4 but assumed this wasn't substantial. Stop thinking that way, because you are wrong and bad at having opinions about video games. (I'm sorry if my sarcasm hasn't come across through text. I actually love you. Even though you said you like that game that I don't like.)

I put off playing this for a while because I didn’t want to pay full price for a such a short game. It’s not as short as I thought, but I’m glad I waited till it was discounted.
I loved the original ps4 Spider-Man and this is a worthy sequel. The gameplay doesn’t change too drastically, but what is altered polishes the experience. I imagine that big changes are being saved for the “true sequel.” The story isn’t as moving as the original, but is still compelling and worth experiencing.
The original game didn’t really sell me on it’s version of Miles, but this game really did. It gets the character and adds fun new elements to his budding mythology.

I’m glad Peter’s not in the story too much cause I’m not used to his baby face yet. He looks younger than Miles.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2021
