The 2023 Golden Gremmies

It's the best year ever! The industry has been consolidated into a black hole, investors are gambling with people's livelihoods, projects and studios are getting shut down on a nearly weekly basis. ITS THE BEST YEAR OF ALL TIME!!

And, indeed, we might not have a year quite so packed with releases for a while to come. In terms of sheer volume, 2023 was a banger. But pulling back and looking at the state of the industry as a whole paints a far more dire picture, one that speaks to a looming crash as budgets balloon beyond sustainability, IPs are indefinitely shelved, and hard-working developers are put out of work. "It's the best year ever" read like a cheer at the start of 2023, now it just sounds like a weak affirmation that everything will be fine.

Anyway here's some shitty games.

It might be a bit of a stretch to include free DLC in the Gremmies, but I have a top three to fill and I didn't play much that left me feeling quite so irritated. The Final Horizon marks the return of Knuckles, Tails, and Amy as playable characters in a 3D Sonic game in almost 20 years... and somehow they all manage control worse than they did in the Adventure games. How is that even possible? The training wheels are off with the trial towers, forcing you to engage with Sonic's poor controls much more directly than in the main game, and any slight mistake will result in you losing a tremendous amount of progress. In my review for Frontiers, I cautioned that Sega could take the ideas and mechanics they introduced in that game and fuck them all up in short order. The Final Horizon doesn't engender confidence that they won't. Read the review here.
The end result of placing product before craft, something that appears to be Arzest's entire model. It really doesn't matter how good the game is, just get it done under budget and on time. In a way, this has allowed Arzest to weather the volatile state of the modern gaming industry, providing them a sort of unkillable quality reminiscent of Ocean Software. Crank out crap and make enough money to keep going. A Sonic game with bosses that take eight minutes to beat? Yeah man, whatever. Charge 60$ for it and say it's because it's 3D. Read the review here.
Determining my Worst Old Game of the Year was far easier than settling on my best. Doom 64 was nearly neck-and-neck with Ridge Racer 4, but Other M is such an obvious answer that the second I remembered playing it, I just disregarded everything else. The controls feel rotten, the Wiimote is barely functional, and Samus is the victim of character assassination from start to finish. Put her in heels and have her ask pretty-please to use her suit's upgrades. Motherhood is the theme of the game, and yet it never feels like a natural part of the story, but rather something that is referenced in increasingly tired and dull ways to make you think Other M has something to say. Hands down worse than any of the other three games on this list. Read the review here.
Art is often a process of iteration, whether of your own ideas or those that inspire you. And then there's just plain copying. At its most innocuous, Lies of P is borrowing narrative beats from media like Batman, and at its worst it's lifting mechanics and enemies wholesale out of Fromsoft's library. To me, Lies feels like it is designed for the self-aggrandizing subset of Souls fans who think it's the games they play that make them cool. Brutal and cheap, playing to the broad strokes of better work without an ounce of shame. Read the review here.


5 months ago

Some good stuff came out this year i guess but i wouldnt be calling it the best year ever...but then again i dont pay attention to when things come out they kind of just appear before me. Other M fucking sucks FUCK metroid m

5 months ago

2023 is the best year in gaming for me burying my head in the dirt trying to forget everything the industry is doing. excited to see how 2024 challenges this position

@moschidae im exactly the same lol i heard about bg3 about a week before it came out and i was like, wait people have been losing their shit over this for the past 3 years? i've been in a couple of convos about how good this year's been and im sure it has been for a lot of people but im just sat here like, i didn't play any of these :')

5 months ago

@moschidae I do think it is one of the stronger years we've had just in terms of the quality and quantity of releases. But yeah, early on in the year I saw a lot of people looking at what was slated and saying it might be the best ever and I don't think I agree.

@faea Well, Embracer did say they'll continue to "restructure" until March of next year, so... Lot more of this shit is going to go down in 2024. Hell, Ubisoft also got breached today, though the ~900GB the hackers tried to extract either wasn't taken in full or at all. It's such a mess.

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