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January 26, 2019

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Every unkind thing I said about TaleSpin is applicable here, only you should consider my vitriol doubled for this piece of crap. Aero the Acro-Bat is truly undeserving of even a modicum of recognition, and if I could give it zero stars I would.

Aero is a slippery unwieldy mascot platformer borne from a desperate attempt to emulate the success of Sonic and Mario. That is to say, it's just one in a slew of mediocre-to-bad platformers that the generation was rotten with. There is, however, nothing particularly remarkable about it as a game to earn it any sort of staying power the way something like Awesome Possum or Bubsy has, though I do recall it being heavily marketed in gaming magazines at the time. Perhaps that's why there's still people today who remember Aero the Acro-Bat. It's certainly why I sat down to play it, my memory of the game itself (which I rented a few times back in the day) being far more vague than those of the adverts, which featured Aero bursting through the pages, or chomping down on large letters spelling out BITE ME.

It wasn't worth the effort, and I should have known better. Some of the worst games of the 16-bit era had good spreads, after all. Aero's levels are massive and every inch of them is agonizing. The controls are horrible, and missing a jump and losing progress as a result is rage inducing. It doesn't help that your senses are assaulted with one of the most screeching, grating, eardrum bursting soundtracks ever to "grace" the Genesis' sound chip. Imagine blasting off in a canon up to some tight ropes and needing to make a very careful jump while "EEEEEEEEEEE DUHN DUHN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUHN" blasts through your speakers. They found a way to package misery in a clam shell case and sell it to children, and something about that just seems like it should be illegal to me, I don't know!

EGM awarded Aero the Acro-Bat the title of 1993's Best New Character. The press is the enemy of the people.