My first exposure to Astal was through the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comic. He showed up a few times in the background of panels, just a weird lookin' fella with a design that really stood out, almost like he was from something.

Turns out the reason I didn't recognize him was because nobody owned a Sega Saturn.

I do now, though! And shortly after getting Pseudo Saturn Kai up and running and burning a mountain of ill-gotten games, Astal was one of the first I played. I went in with low expectations and almost zero notion of what it even was, and that was probably the best mindset to be in. If you're expecting anything other than a generic mid-90s platformer, you're probably going to be pretty disappointed.

Personally, I think Astal's simplicity is part of what makes it so enjoyable. It's not a demanding game, it lacks complex mechanics and takes almost no time to get acclimated to, which makes it perfect if you're looking for something you can jump right into and have a good time with for about an hour. My only real complaint is that the game ends so suddenly and with such an abrupt shift in scenery that it feels like a whole world got cut somewhere. Without a shred of hyperbole, I was trying to remember how much game I had left when Astal transitioned to the final boss.

The generic nature of its gameplay is made up for by strong presentation. Colors range from soft pastels to bright neons, and backgrounds have an almost air-brushed quality to them that, coupled with a gentle soundtrack, gives Astal this nostalgic, dream-like feeling. The prevailing aesthetics of the 90s were defined by how garish, aggressive, and full of put-on attitude they were, but it was a more stylistically rich era than that. Astal is none of those things yet quintessentially 90s, which helps it stir in me familiar feelings of waking up at the crack of dawn to play games, even if I didn't experience it that way back in the day.

Like Sonic Blast, I decided to look up coverage of Astal contemporary with its release, and I found that UK publications did a lot more to cover the game compared to their considerably less interested American counterparts. I'm sure this is partly due to Sega's market share being different between the two countries, but a quick read through Mega's August 95 cover feature - where Astal was dismissed as being overpriced and less fun than Sonic ("It doesn't have a fancy intro either. Ho hum. At least it's better than Daedalus...") - and GamePro's November 95 review highlights an almost comical gulf in terms writing quality. GamePro's Scary Larry does show a respectable amount of restraint in making only two puns about "Astal" sounding like "ass."

Meanwhile, Russian magazine Strana Igr said of Astal, "Это вообще ничего не значит." I don't really know what the hell that means. Maybe it says something about how Astal does a respectable job filling the void left by Sonic the Hedgehog on the Saturn, even if it may not be the most revolutionary platformer out there.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023


7 months ago

I'm one of those who had no idea who this fella was, and seing that panel of him and Tails just casually talking just sends me for some reason. Also yeah, this piexel-art is FIRE, it kinda reminds me of the detailed yet cartoony look of the original Rayman, but unique on its own way. When I get around to playing Saturn games I might check this out, it does looks pretty interesting.

7 months ago

I did the thing you were hoping we'd do you got me

7 months ago

@DeemonAndGames Yeah I can definitely see the comparison to Rayman. I need to play that game at some point, I'm pretty sure it's on my RetroPie. Definitely has its own distinct character designs, though. Motomu Hayashi was the character designer and had their hand in a lot of Sega games of the era, like Knights and Sonic Adventure, but from what I can tell, their credits end around Sonic 06.

@MeowPewterMeow >: )

7 months ago

@Weatherby you should really play rayman with save states. the difficulty is some sicko shit.

7 months ago

@gruel Buddy, I am a sicko!

7 months ago


7 months ago

You could also play Rayman Redemption, which is a fan remake of the original Rayman.

7 months ago

That character design is truly hideous. That cover pains me every time I see it lol.

7 months ago

@DeltaWDunn I don't know, other commenters are making it sound like I should play the original without using any save states instead.

@FallenGrace Honestly would've pegged you as a huge Astal fan. Posters of Astal all over your walls growing up, collecting Archie Sonic instead of Fleetway because they didn't have the GUTS to put Astal in their book.

7 months ago

Don't forget the limited edition Astal bedsheets! They are for children but I simply sleep with my legs sticking out.