640 Reviews liked by Weepboop

if you have Never played Wii Sports you're probably a cop

cant believe this came out when people were allowed to simply go fucking bowling

Fuck this game and its shitty optimization/install practices

While staying over at my Aunt's we watched lots of movies and played lots of her VR. During that time I decided to try out this game and shortly after I had a surprise completion on my hands.

This is a weird game to rate. It's an early VR game so its got some real rough spots. For one its weirdly split into three chapters. Its also incredibly short. Lack of normal walking and only teleporting is a bit jarring. Even the bonus dojo mode while cool to spend more time with the combat is a little basic. Theres not really a whole lot to it. You'll just play through a short little star wars story. Honestly I think it works. Theres so much that could make it better of course but as an occasional star wars fan I enjoyed it and it really helped me realize that I should consider an Oculus for my next big purchase.

Don't expect to get a lot out of this one. But dueling Darth Vader and force grabbing two blasters to dual wield against storm troopers was one of the most joyful experiences I've ever had In a long time. The lack of length definitely hurts it, and I dont think itd be fair to give this more than a 3.5. But as my first VR game I actually got to beat, I think it does its job quite well and Im damn satisfied

Time Played - N/A
Nancymeter - 75/100
Game Completion #71 of 2022
June Completion #6

+The Colossi look amazing
+Riding around on one, especially the flying ones, is cinematic and incredible-feeling
+The environment looks incredible
+The puzzle elements of the boss fights feels rewarding to figure out for the first time
+The soundtrack is epic

-Despite the amazing looking scenery, the world itself is devoid of anything, making going through it 16 times in a row a huge slog, which is made worse by the two following cons:
-The horse controls like crap
-The camera is pretty bad, but especially so while riding the horse
-The fact you need to raise your sword and draw power before you stab makes the CONSTANT losing of grip due to the Colossi moving around unbearable
-Same with trying to climb around the Colossi, as you often manage to make zero progress because your character keeps swaying for like 30 seconds straight
-Too much of the boss fights is just playing the waiting game
-Being knocked down takes way too long to get back up. Especially annoying in fights where the enemy will knock you down, then as soon as you start getting back up they knock you down again, over and over and over.

~The sword acting as a homing beacon is a neat idea, but the vagueness of it just leads to dead ends.

Joe Baker would've stopped Wesker at the Spencer Mansion

You get to punch molded zombies and alligators with your bare hands and thats pretty damn cool

Perhaps a little upset at my lack of gaming this month, for some reason I decided to play this game again in one sitting. I didnt go for a speedrun or anything but I did it on another account and beat it with a time of around 5 hours. Got a C rank. Not my best work but i was just having fun and not taking it too seriously.

Resident Evil 3 is such a weird game. I love it. The characters and dialogue are really fun. I love Jill and Carlos a lot. But its an undeniable step down from Resident Evil 2. I cant help think what this game could of been if it got some more development time and was a little longer. As is it's a really fun action game and Jill is my best girl for life. But it could of been more. If only. Still love it

Sweaty girl in tanktop that swears and kicks ass ftw

Update: Grinded for some shop items and with my trusty infinite rocket launcher got an S rank on Hardcore difficulty. 1:21:24, 2 saves, no deaths. Proud of it. Already platinumed it on my main account so dont feel the need to try inferno again. Now after 8+ playthroughs, I think its time to take a loooong break from this game. At least until I can get a PS5. Cant say away from Jill's ass forever 🙏

Nancymeter Replay
2 playthroughs
Trophy Completion - 75% (28/33)
Playtime - 13:56 hours
Total Playtime - 36:51
Nancymeter - 95/100
Game Completion #70 of 2022
June Completion #5

With this, I have finally completed every (accessible) God of War game to date. I still have my replay of 2018 coming, but I can now finally say I've finished the series.

I don't really have anything remarkable to say about these older titles. They are just simply pretty good. I didnt love them, I certainly had my problems with them. But in the end I always had a (mostly) good time with them. I think God of War III incapsulates my feelings on the series pretty well. It has some of the most badass moments, I think everyone can agree the boss fights are awesome and the game does a great job of showing spectacle with the setpeices. The combat is fun and all the weapons and magic feel good to use. The story isnt incredible but its good enough, perhaps a bit weaker than God of War II. But I dont think that really matters, after so many games of getting pulled around by the gods, ending the trilogy by slaying so many of them makes this a really fitting ending, honestly Im not sure if they could of done it better.

I do however, have some complaints. Small things first. The graphics in this remaster are really good. Game looks great. Ascension should of gone this route instead of whatever mess that game looked like. But they didnt bother to remaster any of the cutscenes, they still very much look like a PS3 game which isnt a big deal but can be jarring. Also the "parkour" feels less concise in this one. When doing the wall climbing Kratos seemed to get stuck on every bit of geometry he could, which was particularly annoying during timed sections. The grappling which was awesome in the other games also seemed to just feel less concise and the momentum needed for some jumps seemed to just not be there at all. Again, small things but they were the cause of almost all of my deaths.

My main issue with this game was, as good and bombastic the boss fights are, everything between them was pretty uninteresting. There were some cool locations and good ideas, but especially for the first half everything just felt like a bit of a retread of things that have already happened in previous games. I will say the boss fights alone make this the strongest of the older games by a small margin, but the rest of the game seemed just too familiar and did little to impress

In the end though, it does have an HD remastered sex minigame so its the best one.

Trophy Completion - 82% (33/36)
Time Played - deleted the game before I could check oop
Nancymeter - 83/100
Game Completion #69 of 2022
June Completion #4

I'll write a real review once i'm done crying. Thank you, Ai

Metal Gear Rising lives up to the memes and then some. It's an iconic title, chances are even if you think you know nothing about it you have seen footage from the game. Memes are the DNA of the soul, after all.

The story is the Metal Gear sweet spot of appearing to take itself seriously but also managing to be ridiculous enough to stick with you. Musically, it's a gem. You'll have metal banging in your ears while chopping cyborgs into dozens of pieces, and it works so well. If you're unfamiliar, just look up and listen to A Stranger I Remain.

The most mixed part of the game is the gameplay. It has incredible highs, moments where you feel like a total badass slashing up tons of enemies in true Platinum fashion. The biggest strength of the combat is the free form blade mode, which also happens to be quite a pain to control when you need a precise cut. Hacking and slashing feels good, but there are a number of mildly frustrating elements that keep the combat from being top tier. Blocking and parrying with the same button you use to swing is perhaps the most confusing decision, it just narrows the skill window of the combat and leads to some pretty frustrating moments when you do the wrong action. Ninja running, or auto-parkour sprint mode, is cool in concept but is often janky on different kinds of terrain. Finally, the sub-weapons granted to Raiden on his journey do provide interesting ways to approach certain situations, but are ultimately hindered by how clunky they are to use.

Metal Gear Rising is definitely worth a playthrough, but stay for too long and you might start to see the cracks. Oh, and don't bother with the DLC episodes.

If the dialogue was better it would get that last half star. I still love the shit out of this game though

I haven't had this much fun in years. Once I started hitting 6p on my friend's Trovão I've been unable to stop pogging. It turns out fighting games are great wtf.

Killer7 fans: "This game is a brilliant subversive masterpiece!!"

Also Killer7 fans, when you ask them about what the gameplay is like: https://i.imgflip.com/1u6cf8.jpg

F.E.A.R. earns its 4.5/5 on the combat alone. The physics engine and particle effects combined with the intelligent AI makes this easily one of the best games i've ever played purely from a gameplay standpoint. I played this game, ps3 version streamed on PS Now. The absolute least optimal way to play this with not the most intuitive controls and goddamn was it still awesome as fuck.

Unfortunately, not everything about this game is up to par. The biggest problems are two that go hand in hand and kind of exacerbate the problem. Now im pretty good at shooters for the most part, so my playtime being around 12-13 hours seems to be about the standard. For me, a game like this. Thats just too long. If it was just a couple hours shorter I think this game would of been a lot stronger overall. But the other issue is the location variety. There are a few moments where the game gets creative, but you're basically in the industrial building/abandoned building setting the entire game. That means 90% of the game is just grey and brown. Its a common issue with games from this era and it really hurts this one. The playtime doesnt seem like much of a big deal and I know most people prefer their games to be long, but when you see the same asset reused a million times or go down a corridor that is like 10% different from the one you just went down, it makes the game feel even longer than it is and in turn makes it feel like its dragging on. Thankfully the combat still remains fun throughout, so its not too much of a detriment but its the biggest flaw.

On to a few more minor complaints. Im not sure if this is an issue with the PS3 version but the audio is just terrible. The sound design itself is good but a lot of the guns sound muted, even with the volume settings turned up. This is even worse with the dialogue. Full settings and I could not make out more than one sentence total from the character thats speaking in your ear most of the game and, yknow, giving you your objective. And there isnt an option for subtitles either so you're shit out of luck. This in turn made navigating the very dull environment a little difficult at times but it also made it so I genuinely could not tell you anything about the story. Thankfully for this game it doesnt really matter but It was pretty dissapointing to not be able to hear what was happening without assaulting my ears by cranking up the tv volume to egregious levels. Also, the game really just isnt that scary. A good jumpscare or two got me and the atmosphere is really good, but the only time i was close to scared was during the most intense fights. Those were awesome and left me on the edge of my seat, but the actual moments where the game goes into "scary mode" didnt do a whole lot for me.

Now in what seems to be a common occurence in my reviews, despite all the shit i talked this game was still goddamn great. The combat absolutely 100% trumps all of the negatives and Im ashamed no game has come close to something as stellar as the shooting in this one.

Time Played - 12 hours 25 minutes
Nancymeter - 88/100
Game Completion #68 of 2022
June Completion #3