Starts off rather strong but never goes anywhere. This run n' gun has a few interesting ideas, the primary one being the different weapons for humans and dinos. You're kinda like the dinosaur witcher here. One type of weapon deals damage to both, while the others only neutralize the beasts. If you kill too many, however, the game just ends, which I found out the hard way. And the number isn't exactly clear, but if you go below 50 the ecosystem gets borked or something.

So you have this dynamic of switching weapons, preserving ammo, all that. Works especially well in the later stages. Too bad the later stages are largely either rehashes of other levels, or are just straight up annoying. The game begins to really go hard on the death pits, on cheap damage, and convoluted missions. The volcano one, dear lord. It's just a maze really and you supposedly have a device to track it down with sound but it just makes no sense as you play it. The whole game is go right simulator, if you can't go left, so putting a poorly thought out maze that doesn't make any sense structurally, and then redoing this concept on a timer? AAAAAAAAAAA.

The final boss is nothing to speak of, but the reuse of enemies is. Nothing is safe from the power of reuse. If this game was like two missions shorter, or just abandoned the timed missions altogether, I think it would be fondly remembered for the cool mechanics I mentioned. But it's just bloated and gets progressively more and more dull.

Same issue as the Snes Jurassic Park and the Genesis Rampage Edition. So many games from this era are longer than they should be just because they can be longer. They don't do anything with that length, they just are. This does not feel good enough to play by the middle of the game, let alone during a replay on a harder difficulty. The length does not fit replayability or single completion, I don't get it. These types of games should have just returned to monkey, to the NES. That's the lesson here I guess.

It's probably better in co-op, but so is half of the SNES library.

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2023


5 months ago

That last line though

5 months ago

@thealexmott I may not love the SNES library as much as others, but the co-op experience is peak I can't deny. Makes so many games ten times better lmao