Log Status






Time Played

10h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 1, 2022

Platforms Played


The Adventure Pals is a silly humored action platformer with charming graphics and art style.

The controls are tight, responsive. It handled nicely on the Deck and I didn't notice any issues. You can play it in short sessions. There are 5 large, unique zones to explore; each with their own creative levels, goofy NCPs, enemies, and collectibles. I'm not one to play many action platformers with combat. The difficulty felt just right. Nothing too easy or overly frustrating.

Only negatives I found were fairly minor/personal. When you are in an area with many enemies, it was difficult to see what exactly was going on. Sometimes I was hit so fast, I was dead immediately because I couldn't tell what to avoid. Couple times, I was stun locked to death. One world is based underwater. As video game rules state, the underwater zone is the worst. Bummer that it's true here. It has slower momentum than the rest of the game. Otherwise, a really fun experience!