8 Reviews liked by Windermed

Pretty shitty gameplay, I fucking hate Etrian Odyssey, but everything that wasn't fanservice is pretty much what Persona could be if Atlus gave a damn
Hikari is better written than half the cast here

Devil Survivor 2 falls short in comparison to its predecessor in almost every aspect, but I'm still glad that we got a second game in the series. The gameplay is enjoyable and different enough from mainline SMT games to make it worthwhile. However, the characters, OST, and overall progression don't quite measure up to the first game. Perhaps a third installment in the series could be worth exploring? I hope to see Atlus trying again. The first one is almost a classic.

Love Joe but it´s just as mid as the first one


Lucy keeping the football away from Charlie Brown except Lucy is Atlus, I'm Charlie Brown, the football is genuinely great combat, and falling and hitting the ground is dealing with a story that feels like an atheist/libertarian teenager's bad fanfiction and also causes unbelievable psychic damage

Everyone involved with Toki/Innana should have their hard drives inspected

Great game, Alignment system could use some work.