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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 29, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Such a rollercoaster game, full of goty tier highs and I-don't-want-to-play-anymore lows. For example I found really frustrating to have visually impressive and extremely fun combats with bosses and Eikons (kudos to this part, because even if using QTEs they manage to feel so epic and keep you engaged) followed by way too extended downtime with filler quests and repetitive conversations. Also annoyed by the fact, perhaps due to the weight of carrying Final Fantasy as part of the title, to not really go full action/hack and slash as the game really screams it should be but instead take the soft action rpg route with half baked open areas with pretty much nothing interesting to find and basic rpg systems and quest design. Not sure what really happened there because I doubt anyone was pleased with the result of that part of the game; the moments FFXVI really shines are the more lineal dungeon parts and the story focused bits. I really liked Clive evolution throughout the game and most of the characters (even if I feel Jill was a missed opportunity) and specially during important combats the music is mindblowing at times.

It feels so bitter to talk about this game, mostly because I feel it has a lot more potential than what the final product really is. even if it is a good and recommendable game, but it could be much more than that.