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SkeletonHouse completed Titanfall 2
The power went out when I was playing and my mid-mission autosave got corrupted so I had to restart the chapter, and I went 'ah hell yeah' because I got to play the first half of Cause and Effect again.

12 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Metroid Prime: Trilogy
Played through with PrimeHack which is awesome.

MP1: Very good, but the artifact hunt wore me down a bit, mostly because I had already been through every area 100 times because I am bad at this game. Still a great time.

MP2 and 3 in progress.

13 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Grimhook
As a proof of concept: Concept Proven. The movement is extremely fluid, the only thing I would change is a bit more speed maybe. But yeah, I would definitely slap down some bones for a full game of this.

Plus the built-in rocket jump seal of approval.

13 days ago

SkeletonHouse commented on SkeletonHouse's review of Samurai Western
It is a game where you hack up some cowboys for like 4 minutes and then a rad cutscene happens. Also it is story co-op, the second player plays a separate character in the story.

15 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Samurai Western
This is probably actually a 3-star game, but also it's sick as hell so +1.

16 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth
I don't know which one I love more, N64 polygon explosion or N64 jpg explosion.

17 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Chameleon Twist
Cute gimmick done well, and the low-poly real world chameleon model is 10/10.

17 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Shadow of the Colossus
The sense of scale is unparalleled. Not only the fellas, but the world too. But, y'know, those fellas are pretty large.

18 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
I'm not one to gatekeep, but if you're not gambling as much as possible at the end of every stage then you're playing the game wrong.

20 days ago

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