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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 31, 2024

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The most "Act 2 of a RPG" you will ever play.

I was onboard with FF7R-1, I'm still onboard with FF7R-2. HOT DAMN this is the most "middle section of a RPG where the narrative is slowly progressing along while you do a lot of fucking around with side stuff".

I think this will end up being the most nostalgic of the Rebirth trilogy? Remake setup what the deal is with this whole thing is, with interesting deviations. Rebirth drip feeds some more on that intrigue (mostly in the late hours of the game), but this outing feels more like it's the one making good of the "promise" some players expected of "hey remember FF7?!??".

I'm hoping FF7R-3 follows a similar structure to FF7R-1 to close this wild ride out.