Log Status






Time Played

101h 0m

Days in Journal

15 days

Last played

March 14, 2024

First played

February 29, 2024

Platforms Played


Absolutely incredible. I cannot express how amazing this game is. Witnessing OG FF7 come to life in this spectacular manner is truly breathtaking. It's hard to describe just how much better this game is compared to Remake. While I thought Remake was one of the best games ever made, Rebirth has improved on literally everything and makes Remake look like a child's plaything.

However, I do have some gripes with this game. Despite giving it a 5/5, I feel it's more on the border of 4.5/5. Firstly, let's talk about the minigames. There are some fun minigames in this game, but they're far too few and far between. Most of the minigames are extremely stupid and repetitive messes that ruin the enjoyment you had for the game at the time. When the minigames are good, they're really good and fun. But when they're bad, they're really, really bad. The argument of "The Minigames are optional so why do them?" is such a bullshit and unfair statement to make as well. They're in the game for a reason, and literally everyone will be drawn to them and find out how immediately unfun they are, leaving a horrible taste in their mouth for any future content. It also shows how much the devs don't actually playtest their own game because if they did, they would see how miserable some of this stuff is.

Secondly, a lot of enemies are extremely unfun to fight and have incredibly cheap mechanics like one-shots to your whole party without giving you much of an opportunity to stop it. There are some really fun fights that get ruined due to these mechanics, and if you were just unlucky enough to bring the wrong materia, then basically screw you and your family.

All in all, I think this is the Game of the Year, and I really don't see anything beating it until Part 3 comes out. The bad parts of this game have absolutely nothing on the good parts of it because the good parts of this game are REALLY good and keep you coming back for more every second.