71 Reviews liked by WordGirl

none of my frends want to play this game with me :(

Sadly, not even peak squid can cure my distaste for roguelikes.

I am really hoping the devs iterate on this in a future game. They already have a lot going right with this but god the level objective and boss variety is such a drawback for long-term replayability (such as clearing the Spire with every Weapon).

Even just one different objective type and an alternate final boss would've gone a long way.

At least they did something new and didn't just make another Splatformer with re-skinned Octarians again.

I'm not going to give a rating to the Bible itself, but I am just absolutely amazed that this exists.
It's one thing for this to exist, now, with handheld consoles having larger screens and higher resolutions, with the ability to add animations....
Also shout out to the Bible Shepherd mini game which is totally not Hang Man but with sheep that escape a fence every time you guess a wrong letter.

2/5 because it's bizarre and funny that it's real, but I can't imagine ANYONE has actually read more than a few pages of The Bible in this way. This is impractical, and honestly confusing how anyone thought this was a good idea. Maybe for the search feature? But surely there were still better ways to do this, right? It was 1995, not 1950.

And come on. Not even the New King James?

Its still better than nickelodeon all-stars

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Fun for its time in the sun, but has definitely aged in comparison to its followup. Mr. Incredible boosts the score by a point though.

As a love letter to Nintendo: It sucks because of the very odd imbalance between character notability
As a love letter to video games: it sucks for the same reason, but even more so because there are whole genres that go unrepresented by this game while Min-Min is in it
As a competitive game: It sucks because of way too generous recoveries, many characters having to compromise with the two-button layout (leading to unneeded difficulty in inputs), and footies that basically resemble two bulls running at each other
As a party game: it sucks because you have characters that are way too gimmicky to just pick up and play and the "swoosh" cloud that follows your character obscures the whole character.
As a single-player game: it sucks because there isn't anything to do beyond world of light

It just sucks, split the series into two with one being the Nintendo party game with good single-player and the other being the competitive mega-crossover with super unique characters (like the DLCs of this game).

What am I doing with my life? All this time spent ironically praising shitty games including this one and now people are unironically gassing up generic survival crafting game number 74,963. That settles it, from now on the words “peak fiction” will never leave my mouth ever again!

i implore anyone who is even remotely interested to go in blind because this is honestly a mastery in utilising a medium to weave a narrative. i adore the writing both for its story telling and just the prose itself being so provocative and gruesome, the art is so intricate and you can tell how much work went into this. cannot recommend enough especially if you don’t know anything about it

The game where you and a group of friends play it for a week; do everything, then drop it for a year. The cycle never ends.