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This is gonna be hard to review for me, because I usually dont spoil anything in my reviews, and its a visual novel, but TLDR, despite the fact that I dont like at all visual novel, this one is shockingly incredible

Despite the really short lenght of this one, the game's story manage to be engaging and memorable, and even if, at first, the game seems REALLY simple, it really isnt

I REALLY love how the game evolve as the story progress, and when i mean the game, i dont just mean the story, i also mean the entirety of it, and the creator of this game herself

Again, no spoil, but that true ending is fucking worth the small price alone

You know what ? Fuck it, i give it 4 stars, because it just perfectly execute what it sets out to do, and please, dont let the game thinks that its simpler than it truly is : its beauty is hidden, and you will have to dig it throught to make it shine

Also, lesbanism...yeah, im just saying that in honor of one of my friend who recommended the game to me ;)