The gameplay for the various missions range from mediocre to a little below. The story however, is great fun.

Nails that fun cooperative and endearing clunky gameplay you want from a pirate game. Unfortunately no point in buying it now that the servers are all empty.

The best WW2 singleplayer experience, even to this day.

There are so many cool gimmicks that are super fun and surprisingly historically accurate. The gunplay has of course aged a bit, but the game makes up for it with super unique and fun concepts, especially when you're fighting against imperial Japan's guerilla warfare tactics.

The visuals, music, and story also come together to give it the powerful, weighty feeling of World War 2. The game doesn't hold back many punches, it lets you know that you're reenacting a real war that affected the lives of millions of real people.


If you want to change your background, literally all you have to do is drag a jpg onto the Osu! window. That's the best way I can think of to show how easily customizable this game is. Downloading and creating maps and skins is so simple. Combined with pretty solid rhythm gameplay and you have a great game with endless replayability.

Best co op game out there today.

Customer Service:
This game deserves a 5 for the great customer service alone. One time purchase with zero microtransactions other than ones that are purely cosmetic. And yet, despite only paying once, I've been receiving constant updates for the past few years absolutely free of charge. Super cool and rare for a game these days.

Graphics and Sound:
The graphics aren't great and they were what kept me from getting this game for a while, but I'm really glad I got over them, because this game is great. The music and audio is pretty good, nothing to write home about.

The gameplay is top notch. Being in the dark with your dwarven bretheren, then tossing out a flare just to see it bounce around before falling down 50 feet. You realize that you've actually been standing in a massive ravine. You toss another flare and see it light up dozens of alien scum crawling down the walls ready to gobble you up. This game have revolutionized the feeling of spelunking like no other game has done with the exception of perhaps Minecraft in 2009.

The progression is great. The upgrades feel so cool when you get them, although some are a little lackluster. There is not as much end game content at the moment as I would like. However, there are still lot's of goals keeping my play time well in the hundreds of hours.

Planning heists with your friends is super fun. Lot's of trial and error, but then when you finally get the perfect heist it feels like you're a true professional, and it's super cool. I'd imagine playing by yourself is just a massive drag.

A satisfying if conclusion to a great trilogy that unfortunately does not quite reach the heights of either of its predecessors.

Zombies: 10/10
Literally every other aspect of the game from the loading screens to the multiplayer: 2/10

At times the story telling is a little tacky. which is a pretty big deal since a great story is all this game has to offer. But the story for the most part is still great. The setting is so unique that it had me constantly longing to learn more about the world. The neo-noir aesthetic is complemented so well by an amazing soundtrack and artsyle. This game had me hooked on it from the shocking opening to the final twist.

Great shooter game that launched a great franchise. The mission briefing scenes feel super immersive and the tech-y visuals are so cool. It really makes you feel like you're the best of the best, tasked with saving the country.

The gameplay has aged a decent bit and does not feel quite as satisfying as most modern shooters will, but what this game nails is the "realistic" feeling. The gimmicks like the stealth and snipe missions feel super immersive and are detailed enough to give it an authentic feel.

Great gameplay, engaging story, a genre defining game.

Does everything that you would ask for from a good bullet hell.

A pretty compelling story that gives you all the emotional payoffs that you want a superhero story to give you.

The gameplay gives you a cool power trip that offers a fun and pretty unique experience. The combat does get repetitive and a little bit too easy once you get it down however.

Apex Legends gunplay has a large emphasis on crosshair tracking instead of the flicking that seems more common in shooters today. This combined with a great movement system makes the combat feel very unique and fun in it's own right.

Unfortunately the game is held back by poor optimization. The lack of a solos gamemode has driven away much of the playerbase, as being forced to rely on randomly assisgned teammates can often be annoying. Furthermore, the servers are often down, slow, or filled with hackers. And the client can sometimes take up to 10-15 minutes to load in.

Overall, a very fun game with unique gameplay that is unfortunately held back by what I assume is EA shenanigans.

The singleplayer has a great aethetic to it. The mission briefing scenes feel so immersive, as if you're actually a Special Operative. The gameplay has aged very well for a game over a decade old, although combat does lack the satisfying feeling that has been so well polished in shooter since the years of this release. Furthermore, the gameplay gimmicks are less fun than there was in Cod 4. The story feels gripping and emotionally satisfying, if not a little too cliche at certain times. Overall, a singleplayer experience that is great, but does not quite reach the heights of it's predecessor.

Revoultionary for it's time. It has aged well, but no better than can be expected for a game of this manner from 2001. The graphics (even the remastered ones) are dull and a little hard to look at. The world is intriguing and unique but the story is very barebones. All around, the game feels extremely unpolished by today's standards, even if we should all appreciate what Combat Evolved did for the gaming industry.