The first half or so of the game I was blown away. The story is intriguing enough, the facial technology is amazing, and most of all the gunplay and visual effects are super satisfying. But eventually it all starts to fall apart and just gets super monotonous, with combat becoming a boring chore rather than an exciting challenge.

Started the first DLC but didn't make it far before realizing I couldn't take more of the same. Still deserves credit for the good parts though, it really is great before it eventually wears thin.

Reviewed on Jul 12, 2023


9 months ago

Yeah the third act of the game is super super weak, but with all the crazy shit that was set up regarding the lore and universe and world mechanics it was bound to disappoint. I feel like the second it dropped off was the second they got control (lol) of Jesse's brother.

9 months ago

@Modal I strongly agree with that being exactly where it falls apart. I would still recommend it to someone for everything up to that point, regardless