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Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

April 12, 2023

First played

April 9, 2023

Platforms Played


My issues with this game are as follows: the jump-platforming feels horrible. The maps are obnoxious to traverse and have horrible enemy placement to the point where about halfway through the game I just started running past 99% of enemies. Combat simply doesn't feel good. Nobody reacts to getting hit by a lightsaber at all, and having to parry large groups of enemies so you can break their poise so you can do a cutscene attack that gets interrupted by one of the other 9 enemies attacking you was more than frustrating. The wildlife was cool, but were far and away the most annoying enemies to fight (fuck the goats in particular). Parrying humanoid enemies or attacking during their endlag felt like nothing. People are swinging their weapons so wildly that it was difficult to ascertain when they're attacking or when they're in an animation that doesn't actually do any damage. The player hardly does any damage even after upgrading lightsaber strength, leading to some of the late-game bosses being a game of Simon Says where you just have to wait for one of the three safe openings so you can do .02% of their health bar. Dathomir is one of the most annoying areas I've seen in a Souls-like, which is a shame because the Nightsisters and brothers are cool as hell. Also for some reason the audio started lagging in every cutscene about halfway through the game, so characters would "say" something and then like 5 seconds later the audio of them saying it would come through. The story itself feels like they cut some stuff. Like when Greez comes to have a heart-to-heart with Cal, I was only thinking about how effective of a scene this would be if they put this in the game just a smidge later so I felt more attached to the relationship between the characters.

What I liked: mmm yummy star wars inject it into my veins. also the uncharted/assassin's creed platforming stuff worked pretty well. Customizing the lightsaber was pretty neat, and BD-1 is the best droid design I've ever seen. I want one. The coliseum area was really fun, although it was an extremely weird point to have it in the story and I'm still not totally sure what that was all about.

Overall, lots of actual gameplay stuff that made me want to drive my head through a wall, but the set dressing was great. Excited to play the sequel when that drops and feel Exactly The Same Way.