7 Reviews liked by Xariap

Sonic Lost World is a fantastic video game that takes players on a thrilling adventure through colorful and vibrant worlds. From start to finish, this game delivers an action-packed and immersive experience that is sure to leave players feeling satisfied. Developed by Sonic Team, this game brings the beloved Sonic the Hedgehog character to life in a whole new way.

One of the standout features of Sonic Lost World is its breathtaking visuals. The game is filled with stunning environments that are both beautiful and unique. Whether you're running through lush green fields or navigating treacherous caves, each level is a visual treat that will leave you in awe. The attention to detail is simply outstanding, and the vibrant colors and smooth animations make for an incredibly immersive experience.

The gameplay in Sonic Lost World is also top-notch. The controls are tight and responsive, making it easy to pull off fast-paced maneuvers and jumps. The level design is also exceptional, with each stage offering its own unique challenges and obstacles to overcome. Whether you're racing through a level as quickly as possible or taking your time to explore and collect hidden items, there's always something to keep you engaged.

In addition to its excellent gameplay and visuals, Sonic Lost World also has a great soundtrack that perfectly complements the action on-screen. The music is catchy and upbeat, and it adds to the overall sense of excitement and adventure that the game delivers. The sound effects are also top-notch, adding a sense of realism to the world of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Overall, Sonic Lost World is an outstanding video game that is sure to please fans of the series and newcomers alike. With its stunning visuals, tight gameplay, and excellent soundtrack, it's an experience that simply can't be missed. If you're looking for a fun and exciting adventure that will keep you entertained for hours on end, look no further than Sonic Lost World.

this review is a complete lie, and this game actually made me want to throw up. there's maybe 2 levels that feel like they would come from a good game, but they would be the worst levels in any good game. dont play this. it is such a shit load of fuck.

hot twink butler and big booty french maid somehow make me sad

Tfw you teach the kids what fear is

I get it she has a fat ahss can we talk about the game now. I swear to god if I hear the epic gaming fact about the polygon count I will become the next William Afton and kill 5 children


This game is absolutely sublime. Metal Gear before this was a fairly simple stealth action series but this game took the complexity and player expression to an entirely different level. Guard AI is the most interesting in the series by a long shot, the level design is superb with every room being its own interesting and memorable puzzle, there are loads of different ways to handle all sorts of different situations. The base game is somewhat lean on gameplay but the VR/alternative missions and Snake Tales additions in Substance more than make up for that.

Much has been said about this game's story, which I think overall is the strongest in the series. Though I don't think people talk enough about how engrossing Raiden is as a character. He tries so hard to just do his mission the best he can, while the situation is constantly getting worse through no fault of his own. I've heard people complain about Dead Cell but I think Vamp and Fortune are great characters, Fatman I understand the complaints with but he's really no different from most members of Cobra Unit aside from having a more fleshed out backstory.

The sound design and music here is just incredible. One of my favorite game soundtracks ever, with so many memorable songs that fit the atmosphere and mood so well. The sound mixing and every single sound effect is just so iconic. The voice acting as well stands out as really great even as the rest of the industry caught up with MGS1 (fake accents notwithstanding), with dramatic scenes having a real punch that games MGS4 and onwards were really missing.

Idk maybe I'm gushing a lot but this really is one of my favorite games ever and I'm always having a blast when I revisit it.

Overhated and the ending is so good