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1 day

Last played

July 9, 2023

Platforms Played


Amazing storytelling!

Personally I don't have strong feelings about this game but I recognize that it is one of the best of the genre.

First of all the looks: the graphics on the NDS hold up really well. The animations are fluid and charming. It's so unique (at least for me) that it'll be hard to forget. The music can get a bit repetitive although it is as good as the graphics.

Now, where the game really shines in my opinion is on the gameplay. The story is well structured and the way the chapters are divided alongside with the character's information menu makes it easy to catch up after not playing for some days.

One of my main complaints about Ace Attorney (I only played the first) is how the chapters follow the same structure: investigation, trial, investigation then trial. It got tiresome quickly and when the story wasn't so interesting it was worse. On Ghost Trick it's a totally different story. The puzzles are clever and the gimmick added on the latter half keeps the puzzles from getting repetitive.

Overall an amazing game with fantastic narrative. I definitely recommend this, especially over Ace Attorney for someone who never played games on the genre.