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Time Played

9h 42m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 8, 2023

Platforms Played


This game is great, there isn't much more to say about it.

It is easily one of the top 5 SNES games. The hand-drawn style of the game is done so well, paired with the iconic soundtrack you'll find a perfect match of style and gameplay.

While playing you will have a rich experience for there's a variety of pretty much everything in this game. First one important to mention is the mechanics because they went crazy with Yoshi. Aside from the mechanics used in Super Mario World you also have a delay from falling and a shooting gimmick. Those provide one of the best progressions and level design I've played in a Super Mario game. There's puzzle levels, hard platforming levels, auto scroll levels and combat focused levels. Every level has its special place and you'll hardly get weary of them. The variety of scenarios, enemies, and animations makes it definitely the best Super Mario game I played. I also love the boss battles. Here they are memorable in contrary of Super Mario World where the only memorable boss battle for me is the final one.

The baby Mario gimmick can be annoying at times but this is by far the easiest classic Super Mario game so it's not a big deal. Because of baby Mario you can take "infinite" damage so here the challenge is gonna be platforming your way without falling into pits. I can see someone getting bored by the design filled with pits, but the auto save (aside from providing a more free experience because you don't need to do a lot in one sitting or look for save points) makes you more carefree about lives, so when you lose you don't get so frustrated.

Overall a masterpiece. If you have a hard time with other entries of the series due to their difficulty I highly recommend this game. It is cute, it is easy and it is iconic.