A piece of feels that what capcom is doing to the classic Resi games and fully re-doing them is great. Like 2 and 4? Chefs kiss. But this?????? I don't know chief. Its a mix up, especially from a resident evil shmeat rider but platinuming this was the easiest out of the new makes only because there wasn't a lot to the game.
p.s. i hope the make a new make of CODE Veronica idgaf like thats a game that NEEDS it, but if they cut 70% of it like they did 3 I'm going to shit out my mouth.

Looking for a easy yakuza/like a dragon game to 100%/Platinum? Here you go. The story of John Yakuza and what he was up to while Ichiban and gang was goofing off in Yakuza 7. GG EZ

This ish was fun. Something so simple and yet so damn fun.

Was able to play on Xbox console and was a charming, fun and surreal game to play. Was worth the dabloons.

John Batman fights the Giggler and his friends in spooky crazy house. 10/10 classic.
Plated 100% on Xbox Series X.