One of my favorite platformers I have ever played, felt super unique to everything I had played, especially the final world, as well as being somewhat difficult, controls felt really smooth; really fun especially with friends, would recommend

Really fun to play, my favorite official smash game, really fluid movement and stuff, really fun to watch and play, but why did they take out all the single player modes compared to previous titles? Compared to sm4sh and brawl there is way less, and that leaves it feeling slightly empty in a way, especially with world of light not having cutscenes. Otherwise, really enjoyable game

I get why people like it but it's just not my type of game, way too centeralizing and sweaty compared to other smash games in my opinion, and a lot of the characters, mostly the ones in the lower tiers feel awful to use and a lot of bugs can screw you up.

Really enjoyable innovation to the Pokémon formula, would really like other games like this, it's really fun to go and catch whatever you feel like, my main issue is that the battling is a bit worse than normal games but otherwise, really fun to play as well as different compared to every other pokemon game.

I really wish I liked this game more, particularly because 3d world is one of my favorite 3d marios but...I just don't enjoy this game compared to all other 3d marios, it just feels incredibly boring, the physics feel super off, and the levels are over in like a minute. It just feels really dull, and the later levels feel really annoying because of the momentum when you're jumping from a small platform, this is my personal least favorite 3d mario because it leaves me with a lot of disappointment

Most of the time this game feels more annoying and frustrating than fun, however, when it shines it really does shine; a lot of the game just feels really annoying to go through or figure out.

Most of the time this game feels more annoying and frustrating than fun, however, when it shines it really does shine.

Sigh...I really really wish I could like this game more, yoshi is one of my favorite video game characters but..I played wooly world and that was one of my favorite games on the Wii U and I was honestly really excited for this game just is so much worse, the levels are bland, the music sucks, they took away the unique color yoshis, they made it even EASIER than other yoshi games, and the 100% completion feels awful to get because you have to go through a stage about 5-8 times just to get everything you need. It's just sad, I really dislike this game but really wish It was good/fun for me, but everything about this is like "why am I not playing yoshis island or wooly world right now"