One of the best games I played last year. Simple as that.

For some time, while I was playing it, it became part of my routine. Some days I would get up in the morning, and enjoy going through the story little by little while having breakfast. Others, I would sit for tea and relax from the stress of work while laughing at the witty writing, reflecting on life through the different experiences this extremely charismatic cast of characters were facing.

I loved the music, the characters, the visuals and the simple yet extremely entertaining gameplay. But what I loved the most was definitely the script, and how the writer/s used the setting very effectively to tackle very different problematics of our modern society, whitout ever underestimating the inteligence of the player.

If it's not clear by now, yes, I strongly recommend giving this one a try! Is an amazing experience!

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
