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Jan 27

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I have a lot of mixed feelings towards this game. I enjoyed it, and I think that's the main reason I love it and hate it at the same time. It's so flawed that I'd love to say "this is garbage and nodoby should play it", but I can't, 'cause in all honesty, it was a really fun experience.
Now I must admit, I am terribly biased. I'm a HUGE Pokemon fan, so it's no surprise I liked it despite all the bugs, all the half baked mechanics, and all the other things the internet has been pointing out since the day it came out. And yes, I can't ignore all those things, but... they didn't ruined the experience, at least not for me. They just made me very sad, wishing they would have given the game a couple more years in development.

Do I recommend this game? Well... If you like Pokemon, like, REALLY like it, then yes. The characters are some of the best the franchise has produced in recent years, the music is good, the story is alright for a Pokemon game, and the battles are fun again after a long time (especially in the second part of the DLC).
If you're not a Pokemon fan, then I wouldn't tell you to buy this game unless you're swimming in cash. Unfortunately it's just not worth the $60.

One of the best games I played last year. Simple as that.

For some time, while I was playing it, it became part of my routine. Some days I would get up in the morning, and enjoy going through the story little by little while having breakfast. Others, I would sit for tea and relax from the stress of work while laughing at the witty writing, reflecting on life through the different experiences this extremely charismatic cast of characters were facing.

I loved the music, the characters, the visuals and the simple yet extremely entertaining gameplay. But what I loved the most was definitely the script, and how the writer/s used the setting very effectively to tackle very different problematics of our modern society, whitout ever underestimating the inteligence of the player.

If it's not clear by now, yes, I strongly recommend giving this one a try! Is an amazing experience!

I'm a huge boxing fan, and even train it myself, so I've been in the search of a good boxing game for some time. This game is still in early access, and I definitely see some potential, but right now is not worth buying. The way it is right now, it gets really repetiting and boring after a couple of hours. Without the addition of a career mode that makes the single player experience more fun, all the game is a boxing fight simulator, and personally that's not what I'm looking for.
Like I said, I do see the potential for a great sports game here, and wish to see it accomplished, but I wouldn't recommend buying it right now.