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1 day

Last played

July 20, 2021

Platforms Played


Fun enough romp, took me about 12 hours. Progressing was a breeze, I only got stuck at one point because I didn't realize I could break two blocks and at the other side laid the rest of the game. That was totally on me because the game gives you a very good scanner powerup that lets you see a decent chunk of the map you haven't explored and tells you which blocks are breakable. Aiming at bosses is kind of annoying with the shitty circle pad the 3DS has, they have weak spots smaller than they look. Would've appreciated an option to aim with the touch screen, for once. Really, bosses were pretty much the only place where I died more than once in this game, but after a couple of attempts to learn the patters everything is very doable. The parry is pretty neat, and rewards paying attention and being a bit aggressive. Game looks pretty good for a 3ds game, almost looks like a full on seventh gen title, though it does chug a fair bit. I don't believe fps ever go over 30, but slowdowns were noticeable and not uncommon. Also, this game is not a metroidvania at all, which surprised me a little. Its just a linear set of levels with their respective powerups. Zone A leads to Zone B, B to C and so on and so on. There's really no reason to go back other than more missile tanks, all of the energy tanks that increase your health or the aeon gauge tanks for powers I found were easily obtainable with just the powerups I found in the zone they were in. Still, not a bad game, and I am now excited for Metroid Dread and I hope it expands on everything here.