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1 day

Last played

June 2, 2022

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Dark Souls but Star Wars is a very intriguing concept that definitely attracted a lot of people to this game, me included. Having finished it, I think Respawn did a pretty good job making said concept work, even if I have some issues. Biggest problem by far for me was the constant performance issues. Frequent and very consistent frame drops (some jumps in particular scattered throughout the game always slowed down the game massively for some reason) plus a lot of bugs and glitches and a couple of crashes to top it all off give this game an air of being unpolished that perhaps some extra months in the oven could have fixed. Granted, I played it in the now ancient ps4, but this game came out before the new gen consoles, surely they expected people to play this on the piss 4 and xbone. I've heard that it has similar issues in pc as well, so it might be a game problem more than a system one. Combat wise, I feel like Cal was a bit more sticky to control than he perhaps should have been. His animations frequently lock him in place, and it felt like he took longer to actually react to my button presses than he should have. Exploration was kinda cool, there's a lot hidden collectibles around. Though the majority of them are fucking lightsaber pieces when the thing is miniscule on screen 90% of the time and hidden by Cal's sweaty hands. Music was orchestral Star Wars stuff, which usually has a pretty unique feel compared to other properties, though it all kinda blends together in my head. The story wasn't bad, I liked how traumatized Cal seemed from the jedi purge and how he slowly healed from that and became a stronger person, but knowing how things happen between episode 3 and 4 and thus it can't really change the story in those movies makes it all feel pretty pointless. Sequel got announced around the time I was playing this, which was neat. Hopefully I found a ps5 by then, I would like to see this game improved upon.