A open world that pushes you ever foward to explore. Beautiful zones with different mysteries, layers and layers of great level design.

Things I loved:
Exploration, side quests, items, art direction, soundtrack, Bosses, variety in gameplay and characters/Lore.

Some dungeons and content around the world might feel repetitive after sometime playing. But for me, the reward after dungeons kept me wanting to explore it.

A game that combine great combat, storytelling and outstanding soundtrack to create moments that the player will probably remember forever.

- Great combat design
- Outstanding music
- Beautiful storytelling, narrative and themes

FFXVI is one of my favorite games of all time. I loved the new direction they went for this game specially.

For me when developers try new directions, visions and styles I try to appreciate the effort to innovate.

Final Fantasy XVI, for me, achieves everything that the devs wanted for this new entry. Great storytelling and lore, cinematic experience with some of the best scenes, animations and visuals in the industry, oustanding voice acting with one of the best, if not the best performances I ever seen, gameplay that feels powerfull, flashy and fun to play and a soundtrack that boost the emotional and epic moments of the game to a whole other level.

Even tho I loved everything of it and the story the devs wanted to tell us, some things I think would feel better if was improved.

Side quests rewards and structure, better level design/exploration of the semi-open world with small dungeons and mini bosses, more acessories that feel like the ones in Final Fantasy mode that changes more the stats of eikon abilities, skills and basic combat. The last one would be the whole crafting system, while it ultilizes the Hunt system it doesnt feel very good 'cause the weapon options and it's stats don't change very much, would be cool if some weapons gave boosts to some eikons or abilities.