Log Status






Time Played

6h 40m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 9, 2023

First played

February 8, 2023

Platforms Played


Finally got around to playing this much-acclaimed and much-awarded project from Ninja Theory. Having now experienced it, I do have to say that I ended it with far more appreciation than enjoyment. Perhaps that was by design, and I do think that this story was meant to be portrayed as a video game, however I found the gameplay to be largely tedious.

It definitely had its moments, don't get me wrong. When the combat really connects, it can truly feel cathartic, especially as it coincides with Senua doing battle with herself and desperately trying to keep her psychosis at bay. The puzzles were unique and engaging, but definitely started to drag as the game went on considering there's not much variety.

It's a story steeped in metaphor and subtext, presented in a nonlinear fashion that somehow never feels convoluted or trite. Melina Juergens's performance as Senua truly shines and it's wild to think that this is her first real acting role. Talk about starting off strong.

All in all, while the presentation, story and themes are truly deserving of its praise, I can definitely agree that the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. However, thanks to both the core values and short length of Hellblade, it never feels like it drags too much or overstays it's welcome so it can be easily forgiven for any mechanical foibles.
